Her stod Edvard Munch og såg utover da han kom til Vågå for fyrste gong i 1895.
I Vågåmo ligg Vågåkyrkja kor både tipp-oldefaren og oldefaren hadde arbeida og bestefar hans voks opp. I Vågå voks også den kjende diktaren Edvard Storm opp, han var bror til Edvard si oldemor, Christine Storm Munch. Edvard var stolt av å vere i slekt med Edvard Storm og hadde fleire av dikta og bøkene hans i boksamlinga si.
Frå her kan du ta ein liten avstikkar til det freda gardstunet Gammel-Kleppe og «Munchely» – eit formidlingssenter for farsslekta til Edvard Munch. Her kan du lære meir om slekta til Edvard Munch, få med deg historia og bakgrunnen til den kjende kunstnaren, oppleve litt av Norgeshistoria og kanskje få lyst til å finne ut litt om di eiga slekt.
Kjelder: Dag Lindvig. Slektshistorikar Johan Storm Munch.
This was where Edvard Munch stood and took in the view when he first came to Vågå in 1895. Down in the village, Vågåmo, is Vågå Church where both his great-great-grandfather and great-grandfather had worked and where his grandfather spent his childhood years. Vågå is also home to the renowned poet Edvard Storm, who was the brother of Edvard’s great-grandmother, Christine Storm Munch. Edvard was proud to be related to Edvard Storm, and had several of his poems and books in his library.
From here, you can take a detour to the protected Gammel-Kleppe farm and the “Munchely” information centre specialising in Edvard Munch’s family on his father’s side. Learn more about Edvard Munch’s family, get to know the history and background of the renowned artist, experience some of Norway’s cultural heritage, and perhaps get inspired to explore your own ancestry.
Sources: Dag Lindvig. Genealogist Johan Storm Munch.